Blogging has been a popular medium for sharing information and ideas for many years. As we enter into 2021, there are several trends that bloggers should keep an eye on. From the rise of video content to the importance of voice search optimization, these trends could have a significant impact on the blogging world in the coming year. In this article, we will explore 10 blogging trends to watch in 2021.

1. Introduction

As we enter a new year, it’s important for bloggers to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in the industry. From the rise of video content to the importance of user experience, there are several key blogging trends to keep an eye on in 2021. By staying ahead of the curve, bloggers can continue to grow their audience and maintain their relevancy in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

2. Trend 1: Video blogging

Video blogging, also known as vlogging, has been gaining popularity over the past few years and is expected to continue to rise in 2021. With the increasing availability of high-quality video equipment and editing software, it’s easier than ever to create engaging and professional-looking videos. Vlogging allows bloggers to connect with their audience on a more personal level and can help increase engagement and viewership. Additionally, video content is highly shareable on social media platforms, making it a valuable tool for reaching a larger audience.

2.1. The rise of video content

Video content has been on the rise for several years now, and it shows no signs of slowing down in 2021. In fact, video is becoming the preferred method of content consumption for many people. This is partly due to the rise of video blogging, or vlogging, which has become extremely popular in recent years. Vlogging allows people to share their thoughts, experiences, and expertise in a more engaging and personal way than traditional blogging. Video content is also more shareable and has a higher chance of going viral, making it a powerful tool for content creators and marketers alike.

2.2. Benefits of video blogging

Video blogging, also known as vlogging, has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. One of the main benefits of video blogging is that it allows bloggers to connect with their audience on a more personal level. By creating video content, bloggers can showcase their personality and give their audience a glimpse into their world. This can help to build trust and loyalty with their followers, ultimately leading to increased engagement and traffic to their blog. Additionally, video content is highly shareable on social media platforms, which can help to expand a blogger’s reach and attract new followers. Overall, video blogging is a powerful tool that can help bloggers to stand out in a crowded online space and connect with their audience in a meaningful way.

2.3. Tips for creating engaging video content

Video blogging, or vlogging, has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it’s a trend that is expected to continue in 2021. To create engaging video content for your vlog, it’s important to focus on your niche and provide value to your audience. This can include sharing personal stories, providing tips and advice, or showcasing your expertise in a particular area. It’s also important to keep your videos short and to the point, as attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. Finally, don’t be afraid to get creative with your video content. Use humor, animation, or other visual elements to keep your viewers engaged and entertained.

2.4. Platforms for sharing video content

Platforms for sharing video content have become increasingly popular in recent years, and this trend is set to continue in 2021. YouTube, the world’s largest video sharing platform, is still the go-to for many video bloggers (or ‘vloggers’), but other platforms such as TikTok and Instagram are fast catching up. TikTok, in particular, has exploded in popularity over the past year, with many users creating short, snappy videos that are easy to consume and share. Instagram’s ‘Reels’ feature, which allows users to create short-form videos set to music, is also gaining traction. As video continues to dominate online content, these platforms will likely become even more important for bloggers looking to reach a wider audience.

2.5. How to optimize videos for SEO

Video blogging, or vlogging, is becoming increasingly popular in the blogging world. As more and more people turn to video content for information and entertainment, it’s important for bloggers to optimize their videos for SEO. This includes using relevant keywords in the video title and description, creating engaging content that encourages viewers to watch until the end, and using high-quality thumbnails that accurately represent the video content. Additionally, bloggers should make sure their videos are mobile-friendly and shareable on social media platforms. By optimizing their videos for SEO, bloggers can increase their visibility and attract a larger audience to their vlogs.

3. Trend 2: Podcasting

Podcasting has been steadily growing in popularity over the past few years, and it shows no signs of slowing down in 2021. More and more people are turning to podcasts as a source of entertainment and education, making it a valuable tool for businesses and bloggers alike. Podcasts allow you to connect with your audience in a more personal way, and can be a great way to boost your brand awareness and credibility. With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, podcasts are also becoming more accessible and convenient for listeners. If you haven’t already, now is the time to start thinking about incorporating podcasting into your content strategy.

3.1. Why podcasting is gaining popularity

Podcasting has been gaining popularity over the past few years and shows no signs of slowing down in 2021. As more people seek out on-demand content, podcasts have become a convenient way to consume information and entertainment. With the rise of smart speakers and voice assistants, it’s easier than ever to listen to podcasts while doing other tasks, like driving or cleaning. Additionally, podcasts offer a level of intimacy and authenticity that other forms of media can’t match. Listeners feel like they’re part of a conversation, rather than just being talked at. As a result, businesses and individuals are recognizing the power of podcasting to build relationships and engage with their audience.

3.2. Different types of podcasts

There are various types of podcasts that have gained popularity over the years. Some of the most popular ones include:

1. Interview podcasts: This type of podcast involves interviewing a guest or expert on a particular topic. It can be in the form of a one-on-one interview or a group discussion.

2. Narrative podcasts: These podcasts tell a story or a series of stories. They are typically scripted and produced with sound effects and music to create an immersive experience for the listener.

3. News podcasts: As the name suggests, these podcasts focus on news and current events. They can cover a range of topics, from politics to sports to entertainment.

4. Educational podcasts: These podcasts are designed to teach listeners about a particular subject or skill. They can be informative and entertaining at the same time.

5. Comedy podcasts: These podcasts are meant to be funny and entertaining. They can feature stand-up comedians, improv sessions, or comedic skits.

3.3. Tips for starting a podcast

If you’re considering starting a podcast in 2021, there are a few tips you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it’s important to have a clear concept for your podcast and a target audience in mind. This will help you to stay focused and create content that resonates with your listeners. Additionally, make sure to invest in quality equipment and sound editing software to ensure a professional sound. Finally, be consistent in your publishing schedule and actively promote your podcast on social media and other platforms to grow your audience.

3.4. Platforms for sharing podcasts

Podcasting has become an increasingly popular form of content creation and consumption, and with that comes a need for platforms to share these podcasts. There are several platforms available for podcasters to share their content, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher. Each platform has its own unique features and benefits, so it’s important for podcasters to consider which platform is the best fit for their content and audience. Additionally, some podcasters choose to share their content on multiple platforms to reach a wider audience and increase their visibility.

3.5. How to promote podcasts

To promote a podcast, there are several tactics that can be implemented. First, it’s important to optimize the podcast’s metadata, including the title, description, and tags. This will help the podcast show up in relevant searches on podcast platforms. It’s also important to promote the podcast on social media channels, such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, as well as through email marketing and guest appearances on other podcasts. Collaborating with other podcasters in the same niche can also help to expand the audience. Additionally, creating a website for the podcast and optimizing it for search engines can help to attract more listeners. Finally, offering exclusive content or bonuses to subscribers can help to incentivize listeners to share the podcast with their networks.

4. Trend 3: Interactive content

Interactive content is becoming increasingly popular in the world of blogging. This type of content engages readers and encourages them to participate in the content by answering questions, taking quizzes, or exploring interactive features. Interactive content can also help to increase social shares and backlinks, as readers are more likely to share and link to content they have interacted with. In 2021, we expect to see a rise in the use of interactive content in blogs and websites.

4.1. What is interactive content

Interactive content refers to any type of online content that requires active engagement from the user. This can include quizzes, polls, calculators, assessments, games, and more. The goal of interactive content is to increase user engagement and create a more personalized experience for the user. By providing interactive content, businesses can gather valuable data about their audience and use that information to improve their marketing strategies.

4.2. Types of interactive content

Interactive content has been on the rise for a while now, and it’s not slowing down any time soon. In fact, it’s becoming increasingly important for brands to incorporate interactive elements into their content in order to keep up with consumer demand. There are several types of interactive content that have become popular in recent years, including quizzes, polls, surveys, and interactive infographics. These types of content allow users to engage with the material in a more meaningful way, which can lead to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty. As we move into 2021, we can expect to see even more brands embracing interactive content as a way to stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

4.3. Benefits of using interactive content

Interactive content is becoming increasingly popular as a way to engage audiences and provide a more immersive experience. By incorporating elements such as quizzes, polls, and interactive videos, businesses can create a more dynamic and personalized experience for their users. This can lead to increased engagement, longer time spent on site, and a higher likelihood of users returning in the future. Additionally, interactive content can help businesses gather valuable insights into their audience’s preferences and behaviors, allowing them to tailor their marketing efforts more effectively. Overall, incorporating interactive content into your marketing strategy can help you stand out in a crowded online landscape and provide real value to your audience.

4.4. How to create interactive content

Interactive content is becoming increasingly popular in the world of blogging. To create this type of content, you need to think outside the box and come up with creative ways to engage your audience. One effective method is to use quizzes or polls to gather feedback from your readers. You can also create interactive infographics or visual content that allows your readers to explore different concepts in a more engaging way. Another popular trend is to include interactive videos or webinars that encourage your readers to participate in the conversation. The key is to make your content as interactive and engaging as possible, to keep your readers coming back for more.

4.5. Examples of successful interactive content

Some examples of successful interactive content include quizzes, surveys, polls, calculators, and interactive infographics. These types of content engage the audience and provide a personalized experience, increasing the likelihood of social sharing and repeat visits to the website.

5. Trend 4: Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has been on the rise for the past few years, and it is expected to continue to grow in popularity in 2021. Brands are partnering with influencers to reach a wider audience and build trust with consumers. Influencers can provide authentic product reviews and endorsements, which can be more effective than traditional advertising. Micro-influencers, who have smaller but more engaged audiences, are also becoming more popular. Brands can work with multiple micro-influencers to reach a larger audience and build credibility. Overall, influencer marketing is a trend that bloggers should keep an eye on in 2021.

5.1. What is influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that involves endorsement and product placement from influencers, individuals who have a dedicated social following and are viewed as experts within their niche. Influencer marketing has gained popularity in recent years as it allows brands to reach a wider audience through the influencer’s established following. Influencers can be found on various social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Brands collaborate with influencers to promote their products and services through sponsored posts, reviews, and giveaways. Influencer marketing has proven to be an effective marketing strategy for brands, as it allows them to connect with their target audience through trusted and relatable individuals.

5.2. Benefits of using influencers

Influencer marketing has become an incredibly popular tactic in recent years, and it’s not hard to see why. By partnering with influencers in your industry, you can reach a wider audience and build trust with potential customers. Influencers are seen as trusted authorities in their niche, and their followers are often highly engaged and receptive to their recommendations. By leveraging their influence, you can amplify your brand message and drive more traffic and sales to your website. Additionally, working with influencers can help you create more authentic and engaging content, as they can provide unique perspectives and insights that resonate with their audience.

5.3. How to find the right influencers

Influencer marketing has become a popular way for brands to reach their target audience, and finding the right influencers can make or break a campaign. To find the right influencers, start by identifying your target audience and the social media platforms they use. Look for influencers who have a following that overlaps with your target audience and whose content aligns with your brand values. You can also use influencer marketing platforms to search for influencers based on criteria such as location, interests, and engagement rate. Once you’ve identified potential influencers, take the time to research their content, engagement rate, and audience demographics to ensure they are a good fit for your brand.

5.4. How to collaborate with influencers

Influencer marketing has been on the rise for the past few years, and it’s not slowing down anytime soon. Collaborating with influencers can be a great way to reach new audiences and build brand awareness. But how do you go about finding the right influencers to work with? And how do you make sure your collaboration is successful? Here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Define your goals: Before you start reaching out to influencers, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Drive sales? Generate leads? Once you know your goals, you can start to identify the influencers who are most likely to help you achieve them.

2. Do your research: There are a lot of influencers out there, but not all of them will be a good fit for your brand. Take the time to research potential influencers and make sure they align with your values and target audience.

3. Reach out to the right people: Once you’ve identified potential influencers, it’s time to reach out to them. But don’t just send a generic email to every influencer on your list. Take the time to personalize your outreach and make sure you’re reaching out to the right person.

4. Set clear expectations: Before you start working with an influencer, make sure you’re both on the same page about what the collaboration will entail. Be upfront about your expectations and what you’re willing to offer in exchange for their services.

5. Measure your results: Finally, make sure you’re tracking your results so you can see how your collaboration is impacting your business. Use analytics tools to measure things like engagement, reach, and conversions, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

5.5. Measuring the success of influencer campaigns

Measuring the success of influencer campaigns is crucial for brands to determine the return on investment (ROI) of their influencer marketing efforts. There are several key metrics that brands can use to measure the success of their influencer campaigns, including engagement rate, reach, impressions, conversions, and sales. By tracking these metrics, brands can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their influencer partnerships and use this information to improve their future campaigns.

6. Trend 5: Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is rapidly transforming the way we create and consume content. From chatbots that provide instant customer service to algorithms that personalize website experiences, AI is becoming an increasingly important tool for bloggers and marketers. In 2021, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of AI in content creation, such as automated content generation and predictive analytics. Bloggers who embrace these technologies will be positioned to stay ahead of the curve and deliver more engaging, personalized content to their audiences.

6.1. How AI is changing the blogging landscape

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves across various industries and blogging is no exception. In 2021, we can expect to see more bloggers incorporating AI into their content creation process. AI tools can help with tasks such as generating topic ideas, optimizing content for search engines, and even writing articles. With AI, bloggers can save time and focus on more creative aspects of blogging. However, it’s important to remember that AI is not a replacement for human creativity and expertise. Rather, it should be used as a tool to enhance and streamline the content creation process.

6.2. Benefits of using AI in blogging

Using artificial intelligence in blogging offers several benefits. Firstly, AI can help bloggers to generate content ideas by analyzing search trends and user behavior. This can save bloggers time and help them create content that is likely to be popular with their audience. Additionally, AI can be used to optimize blog posts for search engines by suggesting relevant keywords and analyzing the content for readability and SEO best practices. This can increase the visibility and reach of blog posts, driving more traffic to the blog. Finally, AI can help bloggers to personalize the content they create by analyzing data on their audience’s preferences and interests. This can lead to higher engagement and loyalty among readers.

6.3. Tools for using AI in blogging

Artificial intelligence can be a game-changer for bloggers in 2021. There are several tools available that use AI to improve the quality and effectiveness of blog content. One such tool is AI Writer, which uses natural language processing to generate high-quality content based on keywords and topics. Another tool is Acrolinx, which uses AI to analyze and improve the readability, tone, and consistency of blog content. Both of these tools can help bloggers create better content in less time, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their blog. Other AI tools for bloggers include content optimization platforms like MarketMuse and automated content distribution tools like Outbrain. As AI technology continues to advance, bloggers can expect even more powerful tools to help them create and distribute high-quality content.

6.4. Challenges of using AI in blogging

One of the biggest challenges of using AI in blogging is ensuring that the content produced is still high-quality and engaging for readers. While AI technology can certainly help with tasks such as generating topic ideas, conducting research, and even writing drafts of articles, it can still fall short when it comes to creating content that truly resonates with an audience. Additionally, there is always the risk of over-reliance on AI, which can lead to a lack of creativity and unique perspective in the content produced. As such, bloggers must strike a balance between utilizing AI for its many benefits while still maintaining a human touch in their writing.

6.5. Future of AI in blogging

The future of AI in blogging is undoubtedly promising. With the advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, AI can now analyze and understand human language better than ever before. This means that AI-powered tools can assist bloggers in creating high-quality content that resonates with their target audience. From generating topic ideas to optimizing content for search engines, AI can help bloggers streamline their workflow and improve the overall quality of their content. As AI continues to evolve, it’s likely that we’ll see even more innovative tools and applications that will revolutionize the way we create and consume content.


In conclusion, blogging in 2021 will continue to evolve and adapt to new trends and technologies. It is important for bloggers to stay up-to-date and embrace these changes to stay relevant and successful in the industry.