Oil painting is a popular medium among artists and art enthusiasts alike. It is a versatile medium that allows for a wide range of techniques and styles. In this article, we will explore some of the most common oil painting techniques used by artists.


Underpainting is a technique where the artist creates a monochrome or limited-color painting as a base layer before adding color on top. This technique is used to establish the composition and values of the painting before adding color. It is also useful for creating a sense of depth and luminosity in the final painting.


Impasto is a technique where the artist applies thick layers of paint to create texture and depth in the painting. This technique is often used for still life and landscape paintings to create the illusion of three-dimensionality. It is also useful for adding drama and emotion to a painting.


Glazing is a technique where the artist applies thin layers of transparent paint over a dried layer of paint. This technique is used to create a sense of depth and luminosity in the painting. It is also useful for creating subtle color variations and enhancing the vibrancy of the colors.


Scumbling is a technique where the artist applies a thin layer of opaque paint over a dried layer of paint. This technique is used to create a hazy or atmospheric effect in the painting. It is also useful for creating a sense of movement and energy in the painting.

Dry Brush

Dry brush is a technique where the artist uses a dry brush with very little paint to create a rough or textured effect in the painting. This technique is often used for creating the illusion of fur or hair in animal paintings. It is also useful for creating a sense of age and wear in still life paintings.


Oil painting is a rich medium with a long history of use by artists. By using these techniques, artists can create a wide range of effects and styles in their paintings. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, these techniques can help you achieve your artistic goals.